BIS 2 Breeder’s Group, BOB & BOS!
Gothenburg IDS MyDog 6/1Breed judge Francesco Di Paola Nuzzo, Veteran Lokodi Csaba Zsolt, Breeders group Markus Gisslén Best Breeder’s Group…

BIS 4 Breeder’s Group at MyDog!
Gothenburg NDS 5/1Breed judge Paul Stanton, Veteran Moa Persson, Breeders group Markus Gisslén Best Breeder’s Group In Show 4 Sirocco…

Nordic Veteran Winner & Best Breeder!
Stockholm Nordic Winner Nordic DS 15/12 Breed judge Karin Bergbom Best Breeders Group with prize of honour Sirocco Go Big…
Uma ska få bebzar med en killhund <3 <3 <3
Lovar att skriva allt när ja vet hur många bebzar å sånt de ska bli!!!
The Sirocco vision:
The Sirocco vision:To breed healthy, mentally firm & anatomically correct cresteds in accordance with my interpretation of the standard. The crested is not only a beautiful creature but also an amazing companion & friend.
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