2nd best bitch with Nordic R-CAC

kennelsirocco2024, Uncategorized

Roskilde Nordic DS, 10/5, Judge Mickael Koot 2nd best bitch with Nordic R-CAC & 2nd in champion bitches Sirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga”NORDJW-21 DKJW-21 FINJW-21 NJW-21 HELJW-21 DKJCH KBHW-23 ROV-23 MultiCh

BIS 2 Junior & CAC!

kennelsirocco2023, Uncategorized

Sundsvall Nat & SDHK Nat 15-16/4-23 DKJCH Guldborgsund Junior Winner-23 Sirocco Rock That Bends To No Wind ”Vira” Sundsvall SDHK 16/4 BEST JUNIOR IN SHOW 2under judge Lena Persson 3rd Best bitch with CAC & BOB-Junior under judge Sara Nordin Sundsvall NDS 15/4 4th Best Bitch with R-CAC & 2nd in junior bitches under judge Jean-Jacques Dupas Super well done … Read More

Helga CAC in Denmark

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8/4 Falster, Judge Arne Foss 2nd best bitch with CAC & open class winnerNORDJW-21 DKJW-21 FINJW-21 NJW-21 HELJW-21 DKJCHSirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga” (Only Helga was entered to this show.)

Helga CAC!

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16/4 Malmö IDS, Judge Gertrud Hagström 3nd best bitch with CAC, DKJW-21 NORDJW-21 NJW-21 DKJCH Sirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga” 3d best male and 2d in champion males, NW-21-19-18 DKW-21 DKW-19 KBHW-18 MultiCh BISS Sirocco Lunatic Toc Tamarine ”Morgan” 4th best bitch and 2nd in Veteran bitches, NORDW-14 DKW-18 DKW-14 MultiCh BISS Sirocco Jealousy Breeds Envy ”Thea”


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19/12 Helsinki FINW-21, Judge Jeanett Lemmeke 3nd best bitch with R-CACIB which will turn to CACIB and NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION! NW-21 DKW-19 NORDJW-18 Multich Sirocco Go Big Or Go Home ”Uma”  FINNISH JUNIOR WINNER with CAC, DKJW-21 NORDJW-21 NJW-21 DKJCHSirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga”


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18/12 Helsinki HelW-21, Judge Asta Maria Gudbergsdottir 3nd best bitch with CAC and NEW FINNISH CHAMPION! NW-21 DKW-19 NORDJW-18 Multich Sirocco Go Big Or Go Home ”Uma”  HELSINKI JUNIOR WINNER and 4th best bitch with R-CAC, DKJW-21 NORDJW-21 NJW-21 DKJCH Sirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga” 4th best male and 3d in champion males, NW-21-19-18 DKW-21 DKW-19 KBHW-18 MultiCh BISS Sirocco Lunatic … Read More

Morgan BOB Danish Winner & Helga DKJW-21

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14/11 Danish Winner Show Herning, Judge Oliver Simon Best Of Breed & DANISH WINNER 2021! NW-21-19-18 DKW-19 KBHW-18 MultiCh BISS Sirocco Lunatic Toc Tamarine ”Morgan” DANISH JUNIOR WINNER with Jun CAC which made her Danish Junior Champion, 3d best bitch with R-CAC, NJW-21 Sirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga” 2nd best bitch out of the champion class, NW-21 DKW-19 NORDJW-18 Multich Sirocco Go Big … Read More



13/11 Nordic Winner Show Herning, Judge Antoan J. Hlebarov NORDIC JUNIOR WINNER with Jun CAC, 3d best bitch with R-CAC, NJW-21 Sirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga”  4th with CQ in the champion bitch class NW-21 DKW-19 NORDJW-18 Multich Sirocco Go Big Or Go Home ”Uma”   2nd in the junior male class with CQ & R-Jun CAC, BISS Junior … Read More