13/11 Nordic Winner Show Herning, Judge Antoan J. Hlebarov
NORDIC JUNIOR WINNER with Jun CAC, 3d best bitch with R-CAC, NJW-21 Sirocco No Lemon No Melon "Helga"
4th with CQ in the champion bitch class NW-21 DKW-19 NORDJW-18 Multich Sirocco Go Big Or Go Home "Uma"
2nd in the junior male class with CQ & R-Jun CAC, BISS Junior Sirocco Infinity On The Side "Montes"
Excellent in the champion male class, NW-21-19-18 DKW-19 KBHW-18 MultiCh BISS Sirocco Lunatic Toc Tamarine "Morgan"