Tvååker 6/7 National Chinese Crested Breed Specialty 2024, judge Lee Grogan
Father & daughter won the National Breed Specialty for the 3d time!

BIS Head & Expression
BIS Brace with her father Morgan
Winner of champion bitches
Nominated for Best Movement, Best Skin & Best Coat
Sirocco Go Big Or Go Home ”Uma”
Sweden’s #1 CCD 2023 & 2021/2020 SEW-24 SEW-23 NORDW-22 NOW-21 DKW-19
NORDJW-18 MultiCh
Both Uma’s mum, MultiCh MultiW BIS BISS Sirocco Jealousy Breeds Envy ”Thea” and her dad, MultiCh MultiW BIS BISS Sirocco Lunatic Toc Tamarine ”Morgan”, are National BISS winners! Truly a dream come true! Also worth to mention that this is only 13 weeks after Uma had a litter of 5!
BIS Veteran
BIS Movement
BIS Brace with his daughter Uma
Nominated for Best Head & Expression
Sirocco Lunatic Toc Tamarine ”Morgan”
Sweden’s #1 CCD 2022 & 2017 SEW-24 EUW-23 NORDW-23 NOW-23 NORDW-22 DKW-21 NOW-21 DKW-19 NOW-19 NOW-18 KBHW-18 MultiCh BIS BISS
Excellent with a lovely critique
Nominated for Best Head & Expression (which i forgot to bring her in to compete for)
Sirocco No Lemon No Melon ”Helga”
KBHW-23 ROW-23 NORDJW-21 DKJW-21 NOJW-21 FIJW-21 HELJW-21 MultiCh
Thank you Jill for handling her!