Sandefjord IDS & Nordic DS 5-7/7
Sirocco Rock That Bends To No Wind ”Vira”
JWW-23 DK LT NO SE Ch NORDJW-23 C.I.B-J DKJCH NOJCH NOJ-Jubile W-23 2023 Agria JW-23 Guldborgsund JW-23 Sweden’s #1 CCD Junior 2023
Sunday 7/7 IDS, judge Charlotta MellinBest Of Breed
Oslo Winner 024
Winner of champion bitches
Saturday 6/7 Nordic DS, judge Annika Ulltveit-Moe2nd best bitch
Nordic R-CAC
Winner of champion bitches
Friday 5/6 IDS, judge Anthony Allcock2nd best bitch
2nd in champion bitches
Also Morgan’s (MultiCh MultiW Sirocco Lunatic Toc Tamarine ) son MultiCh BIS OSLO WINNER -24 NOW-24 EEW-24 SEW-23 EUJW-23 NOJW-23 JUBJW-23 AGJW-23 C.I.B.-J* FI & LV JCH NORDJW-22 FIW-22 FIJW-22 TLNWCUP-23 TLNWJCUP-23 Moelmo’s The North Star was best male all three days!